Tag: Memories

Titanic Showdown

 Posted in Toys Tagged , ,

Cheap Date

 Posted in Journal Tagged

WWF Wrestlemania Revenge Tour 1994

 Posted in Journal, Pro Wrestling Tagged

Gorillaz Care Bears parody

 Posted in Graphic Design Tagged

Friendly Fridays: My mom’s poetry book

 Posted in Books, Friendly Fridays, Graphic Design Tagged

Comic: Not a Date

 Posted in Comics Tagged ,

Samurai Comics Moved!

 Posted in Graphic Design, Journal Tagged

The Old Man and the Ring

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R.I.P. Pat Patterson

 Posted in Journal, Pro Wrestling Tagged

Interview Samples

 Posted in Graphic Design, Journal Tagged

Special K

 Posted in Illustration Tagged


 Posted in Illustration Tagged

Monday Musings: The Toxicity of Social Media, or: Make the Internet Fun Again

 Posted in Journal Tagged

Monday Musings: How does a Pre-Order go out of stock?

 Posted in Journal, Toys Tagged

Monday Musings: “Which ones will be valuable in the future?”

 Posted in Journal Tagged