Happy Valentine’s Day Hangover! Here’s a poster I made of some butts!

While getting ready to exhibit at a comic convention in October 2014, I thought I’d offer a print that was completely different from anything that anyone else was going to have at their tables. So I made a poster of the BUTTS-tice League. Or the Just-Ass League, if you wanna be a little more vulgar about it.

I actually had a rough sketch version that had more flourishes and proper titles for each of the backsides, but I eventually decided to keep the focus on the posteriors themselves, rather than any of the other fluff around them.

Honestly, this whole concept just made me giggle because of how ridiculous it was. I did manage to sell a handful of copies of this print, but I honestly think that that particular convention had more people behind the tables than walking the aisles. They did a follow-up the next year, but that was it.

Hehehe. Black “Can”-Ary.

What is the matter with me?

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